The Power of Negative Thinking on Health

Negative thinking can create the exact same symptoms of a disease within the body that the actual disease itself creates.

The connection between the Mind and the Body is powerful that can not be overstated. While a lot has been made of the tremendous power of positive thinking on helping to create positive health outcomes, a new study done by researchers at King’s College in London found that negative thinking can be just as powerful.

In fact negative thinking can create the exact same symptoms of a disease within the body that the actual disease itself creates. This phenomenon of negative thinking causing disease responses in the body is called the “nocebo effect” and it is the exact opposite of the more commonly known phenomena, “placebo effect”.

The nocebo effect has received more prominence since the advent of people expressing a hypersensitivity to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) given off by WiFi signals, cell phone towers, high voltage towers, etc. Dr. G. James Rubin began a study of EMF radiation hypersensitivity for King’s College in London. To the surprise of Dr. Rubin and his team of researchers, of the 147 test subjects that exhibited signs of EMF radiation hypersensitivity which included feelings of nausea, headaches, dizziness, burning and tingling of the skin, which were so severe that it caused them to miss work. Many of the study’s participants exhibited the exact same signs of EMF sensitivity after simply viewing a documentary about it as those that actually had the disease.

The conclusion of the study was that the belief in having a particular ailment can cause the body to react in ways that mimic the actual disease.

It cannot be stated enough that the link between the mind and the body is a very powerful one. So, be very careful about your belief systems when it comes to your health. Base your ideas about your health on firm scientific grounding and always take charge of your own health. Don’t simply believe what you may see or hear in the media.


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